Our Partners

Simplemath Foundation has various partners with other nonprofit organiziatons that have similar mission.

For business inquires or interest in partnership with our organizaiton, please contact through form at top or via email: simplemathfoundation@gmail.com

Big Tree Leadership Foundation

The Big Trees Leadership Foundation develops and inspires the next generation of leaders by helping students of all backgrounds to take charge of their interests for the community and to materialize their aspirations into actions. They offer leadership, community services, and opportunities for studetns to success in school. "We believe that the leaders are made, not born. We are here to provide the tools and experiences the students need to overcome the barrier and to grow - as leaders of today." - Big Trees Leadership Foundation

Learn To Be

Learn To Be is a 501c3 non-profit bringing free, 1-on-1, online tutoring to underserved youth around the United States. Since Learn To Be has similar mission and vision as our organization, we expand and develop our impact toward the community through partnership.